
why learn japanese if not for tubies?

f-friendly reminder:
v美人 are the next best thing to a japanese half sister discovering her growing urges and experimenting with her sexuality:

  • cute
  • constant dialogue
  • descriptive dialogue
  • VERY language dense, they never shut up
  • conversational cadence
  • cant be mined if you are watching in real time, nor paused (so you have to pay attention and your brain is in do or die mode)
  • if they are playing a game you already played (recent banjo kazooey streams with koone), you already have the english translation of everything in mind, but even if you haven't played the game, they describe everything they are doing.
  • they activate the natural "want to understand what the cute girl is saying" part of the brain
  • a lot of variety
  • essentially always on

probably the next best thing to conversations with nips, but they have the added benefit that you do not have to carry the conversation or keep it alive, the vbijin does that herself. essentially you get a girl talking to you and describing everything for 1 to several hours.

v美人 are THE path to true fluency! also they get the best fanart

some image


Cornucopia of v美人 Immersion~#

Link Description
Holodex Very useful site, shows live and upcoming streams.
You can filter clips for Japanese language only.